
"Good thing I looked closer. I thought it was a pointer!!"
April, 1990
Donny Funk
Funkrest Game Farm

"Who will have two dogs after this???
Well, maybe two Pointing Labs!!"

September, 1989
Vince Retacco

"I had to use a crowbar to get her off point!"
October, 1993
Anthony Kugler

"The pup's very birdy.
On our first morning walk,
she found a hawk-killed pheasant in a flash!
Chases every tweetybird on our path"

Dick and Diana Brodek

"What are we going to do with all our other dogs when this gets out?"
Mike Chalupsky
Kennel Manager

"Now I don't have to feed and train two dogs!!
How many can I buy?"

April, 1992
Leo Davis

If you train for total confidence, your program will be successful.
If you train for total compliance, your program will ultimately fail.

Mike Gould
Retriever Journal, A/S 96

You have to be careful with ABPL dogs,
they hunt themselves to death"

November, 1993
Dan O'Donnell
Alva Game Bird Ranch

"Alma Bottom Kennel:
Defender of the Breed"

December 29, 1993
Art Doherty

"I couldn't believe my eyes. It really shook me up. It's amazing.
I'm speechless. First time I've been speechless since I got married."

January 21, 1994
Mike Wilbourne

Alma Bottom Pointing Labradors
N4758 350th Street
Elmwood, Wisconsin 54740

(715) 639-3933
